Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Lounge Floor

The lounge floor is where work on the house has started.

We knew right from the moment we moved in it had to come up. It bounced, sagged, and had rotten boards. We tried prising one or two up but couldn't see much. We thought some of the beams under the floorboards were probably rotten.

We weren't expecting to find the beams were laid straight down onto earth with little or no space beneath the floor boards.

Like other parts of this old house we can see how nothing was wasted and how the building evolved. Some of the beams have mortice holes cut in them so they must have had a previous life as supports elsewhere.

In a few places the beams have completely rotted away - probably wood-boring beetles have caused the damage.

We're glad to find the earth is dry. We feared that there might be damp under the lounge, but no.

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